
Monday, September 16, 2013

From Palette Knife to Paste

Whole Hog Rooster
12"x12" Torn Paper Collage on Canvas
Lately I have been busy creating some torn paper collages.  I have found this new passion that allows me to work on art in places that I can't always take my oils to.  It all started when I saw a torn paper collage that Nancy Medina created in Nancy Standlee's workshop this summer. (By the way, these are two great artists that you need to check out.)  After working on this rooster my disorganized studio became even more disorganized than ever with papers, magazines, books, junk mail, & all kinds of stuff on the floor & every available surface.  Since then I have worked out a little better system to keep things a little neater.  I'm thinking I may have to start another blog just for the torn paper collages I create.  For now, I'll just go ahead & show some of them here on this blog & hope you find them fun & interesting.
The background for the rooster is mostly from an Arkansas State Highway map and mostly from northwest Arkansas where the University of Arkansas is located.  There are several references to the Arkansas Razorbacks scattered in the collage.  That's how the name "Whole Hog Rooster" came about.  I bet this little rooster can even call the hogs.  "Wooo Pig Sooooie, Razorbacks."