Hello Everyone & Happy 2012!
This new year represents a new beginning & I have started posting to my blog again. As an artist, I have taken some time off to review my artistic activities & habits & how they correlate with my goals. My passion for creating paintings with the palette knife has not changed. However, I will not be producing as many spontaneous small paintings. I will be spending more time planning & designing larger pieces. I would dearly love to produce & post a small painting each day but that would not leave enough time to complete larger works in the alla prima (all in one session) method that I prefer to use. So for now, my goal is to post a small painting each week & now and then surprise viewers with a larger painting.
This week's painting is titled "Tipsy Cup." Too bad I didn't get it posted for New Year's Eve. This one got a little tipsy when it hit the saucer. Some morning are like that.
5x7 Oil on Panel
Palette Knife Painting
Thank you for viewing my palette knife paintings.